Volunteer opportunities are always available at the Walla Walla Adult Day Center (ADC). Our volunteers share a bit of their daily lives with us, and we could not be any more grateful.
There are no mandated hours to be a volunteer, volunteers share their time according to their availability. It does not matter whether your availability is once a week for one hour or four times a week for the full six hours of the program, we'd love to have you.
Our opportunities include simply spending time with us at the center with our participants or "enriching" our participants' day through your talents: give a presentation about an interesting topic, play a musical instrument, put on a talent show, tell a story - it's up to you!
Time frames: 12-2pm for "enrichment" volunteers; 9am-3pm for regular volunteers.
To become a Walla Walla ADC volunteer, there are just a few prerequisites: being a listening ear, a watchful eye and having a caring attitude. Having six daily program hours doesn't seem like much. However, when you take those six hours and multiply it by the number of participants attending on any particular day, days could turn into a whirlwind if help is not steadily available. Our daily average of 10 to 15 participants equals out to be between 60 and 90 hours of daily "supervision", socialization, engagement, and social work services. Help is always needed and welcomed.
For more information or to sign up, contact Alex at (509) 527-3775 or adc@wallawallaseniorcenter.org.